Thanks to specialized techniques, osteopathy can boost fertility, provide good monitoring throughout pregnancy, prepare mothersfor deliveryand offer necessary help duringpostpartum.
Osteopathy and fertility
“Movement is life”, a great motto in osteopathy that applies extremely well to the processes of fertilization, pregnancy and childbirth.
In this stage of life in which so many physical, metabolic, hormonal and emotional changes occur, osteopathy can be of great help. The body is put to the test, specific mechanisms are activated that only work at this stage, and often need specialized monitoring.
In order for fertilization to take place, we need a propermaturation of the eggs within the ovaries, a correct mobility of the fallopian tubes and the uterus … Also a good endometrial tissue in which the already fertilized egg will be implanted.
In short, it is essential that:
- The endocrine system works properly.
- Uterus and ovaries are well vascularized and do not have significant mobility restrictions.
For these reasons, osteopathy can play a key role in facilitating the conditions necessary for pregnancy to be possible and to evolve successfully.
Osteopathy and pregnancy
Pregnancy is a natural process that under ideal conditions does not involve much discomfort or pain. Perhaps “by tradition” we are too used to pain during pregnancy being normal and a lot of people tend to think there is no other choice but to endure it. The same goes for menstrual pain …
From the third month and until the end of pregnancy, pain may appear in the lower abdominal region and in the pubis.
Low back pain and sciatica are symptoms that can also manifest during pregnancy, especially after the fifth month. The uterus grows and in its expansion it takes up the space previously occupied by other organs and viscera. It is essential thatmovement between all these structures should be carried out smoothly,and that the pelvic (sacroiliac joints, pubis) and lumbar mechanics be maintained properly, so that the whole set is adapted to the needs of this process.
When these symptoms appear, one must think that there may be a restriction of mobility in some structure. The osteopath can detect this problem and easily achieve a fast and long-lasting improvement.
Sciatic pain when pregnant
When we talk about sciatica in pregnant women, we usually refer to a pain located in the gluteal area that descends towards the back of the thigh. It rarely reaches beyond the knee. It is therefore a “false sciatica”, which although it can be very troublesome, has three possible causes that are easily resolved with osteopathic treatment:
- Sacroiliac joint blockage.
- The uterus in its expansion can be lateralized, often due to peritoneal adhesions, thusgreatly increasing the pressure on arteries, veins and nerves on one side.
- The position of the fetus within the uterus can be very fixed. In this case, it does not occupy the entire uterine space as it should, and remains very attached to one of its side walls, which might lead to three possible consequences:
- False sciatica
- Irritation of the uterine wall, excessive premature contractions with the uterus hardeningmany times a day.
- Fetal molding, future spinal deviations.
Osteopathy and childbirth
Obviously, the osteopath will not be present at the time of delivery!
Childbirth, one of the most wonderful things … It is a natural and physiological process that, in the vastmajority of cases, runs smoothly. The osteopath has the ability to accompany the pregnant woman in her well-being until the moment of delivery.
If she can arrive in the best physical conditions to face it, free from “sciatica” pain, with well-preserved pelvic mechanics and well-balanced pelvic floor muscles, we will have greatly increased the chances of anatural birth without complications.
Post-birth osteopathy
The magic of life … Everything is designed so that the structures that have undergone changes throughout pregnancy will recover their original position again. The adaptations made by the lumbar spine, the pelvis, the ribs, and organs such as the stomach and liver, or even the cervical spine, will eventually disappear and settle back into placeas the body functioning normalizes.
However, considering that pregnancy and childbirth are the natural phenomena that can have the biggest impact on a woman’s body, it is highly recommended to visit the osteopath shortly afterwards. Sometimes the body finds it difficult to regain its initial state completely, much more so if complications have appeared before or during childbirth.
This postpartum review visit will normally take place after the “quarantine”. If possible, the baby should also be examined during the same session.